British Petroleum Environmental Impact Public Hearing

I just wanted to remind everyone that tomorrow, Monday December 17th, from 6:30pm-8:30pm at the North Berkeley Senior Center there will be a Public Hearing on the Environmental Impact Report. This is regarding the proposed British Petroleum building in Strawberry Canyon just above campus.

If you want to read more about the Environmental Impact Report, you can link to it at

I know everybody is in the middle of finals but having students present at the meeting is going to have a big difference. The North Berkeley Senior Center is at 1901 Hearst St. for those who dont know where it is.

Santa Cruz Tree Sits, LRDP Resistance

For those interested in learning more about the Santa Cruz tree sits, in protest of the planned expansion on the UCSC campus, you can find out more information at the following link.

Oak Grove Tree-Sit 1-Year Anniversary Birthday Party

"OAK GROVE TREE-SIT 1-YEAR ANNIVERSARY BIRTHDAY PARTY Sunday, December 2nd, noon - 6pm, rain or shine

The Tree-Sit at Memorial Oak Grove is the longest urban tree-sit
protest in U.S. History. Visit the grove on Sunday to mark this
historic event.

The Save The Berkeley Oaks Community sent out this announcement: "Come celebrate when the Oak Grove Tree-Sit Turns One! There will be food, art, music, entertainment, an ice cream truck, and the community... Absolutely Free & Forever Wild!"

PLUS The Berkeley Grandmothers for the Oaks sent out this announcement: "Hello oaks supporters, please bring food and water to the Oak Grove on Sunday, December 2nd at 2pm.

Food and water are basic human rights! Please bring non-perishable food, mostly vegan, and water should be in 1 to 5 gallon jugs, preferably with handles and lids."

Peace and love,
Friends of the Oak Grove "

Berkeley Grandmothers For The Oaks

"Berkeley Grandmothers Feed the Oak Grove Tree SittersThanksgiving Day 2007

A group of Berkeley grandmothers appeared at the UC Berkeley stadium oak grove on Thanksgiving morning to lend support and food to the tree-sitters. Last August the UC Regents constructed a chain-link barrier around the grove with the intent to starve out the tree-sit.

Just more than a week ago construction crews appeared again to add a second fence. The double barrier was crowned with barbed wire. The new fence has come with stepped-up efforts by UC Police to cut off any access to the tree sitters including all attempts to provide them with food and water. Numerous arrests have been made.

Despite the threat of arrest and a police presence, the grandmothers delivered an assortment of food and water to tree-sitters including pumpkin pie. No grandmothers were arrested.

The tree-sit is now in its 356th day. Come and help! Who will protect these trees, if not you? For more information contact Berkeley's Internet NEWS"

This text has been copied directly from You Tube and

Link the video here:

To Read More:

Link Here to the Berkeley Daily Planet Article by Matthew Taylor

Code Pink's Medea Benjamin on Hardball

Chris Mathews at 5:58 in this clip is pretty great actually...

Link for Disorientation Guide


A First Look at the Finalized BP/Berkeley Deal

This is copied directly from Indy Media at

"A First Look at the Finalized BP/Berkeley Deal
by Student Campaign to Stop BP at Berkeley ( info [at] )
Wednesday Nov 14th, 2007 6:05 PM

Details of the agreement between public university and giant oil corporation

In anticipation of public pressure, the University of California, Berkeley has published what it claims is the “full text of the Master Agreement” it has signed with the immense oil corporation BP today. This deal inaugurates a ten-year partnership between BP (formerly British Petroleum) and UC Berkeley, along with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, creating an Energy Biosciences Institute (EBI) to develop marketable energy technologies based on genetic engineering technology.

While it remains to be seen whether this is in fact the complete agreement — the proposal that led to this deal was kept secret until it was leaked to the press, and then was published by the university in censored form, with large sections invisibly omitted — what is published is more than enough to confirm EBI opponents' fears.

The agreement text, released online at, does not include any mention of "the public interest" or "the public good". It does not even pay lip service to any sort of public accountability or transparency — except where it states that "No notice of any such [Governance Board] meetings [is] required." (p.6)

Under this agreement, UC Berkeley invites scientists and engineers who work solely for BP (formerly British Petroleum) to work in the new EBI building in Berkeley on secret, proprietary research for BP's eyes only. These researchers will have access to researchers working on publicly funded, open research, as well as the university researchers funded by the BP project. The agreement's text tells us that "[The Proprietary Component] shall be operated under the sole control and discretion of BP." (p. 4)

Professor Chris Somerville, who is being hired away from Stanford to head the institute, bypassing the normal tenure process, will "be familiar with certain BP Confidential Information ... to ensure that such plans are consistent with the commercial goals... of the Partners" (i.e. BP).

The Governance Board will have 4 members from BP and 4 members from the other institutions, and will approve the budget and overall direction. The Executive Committee (which will determine which projects are funded) will initially have 2 members from BP, 3 members from other institutions, and require a 2/3 majority (i.e. 4 out of 5 votes) to do anything. Any changes to this structure must be approved by the Governance Board. So BP has veto power at both levels, and can not be overridden.

There is one bright spot in the agreement, though: if Berkeley were to "reasonably determine that continued association with EBI was not in accord wth its fundamental principles, then ... within 180 days... Berkeley may terminate this Agreement... effective upon receipt.""

Huey P. Newton: Interview from Jail

For Those Interested in Volunteering to Help Clean Up The San Francisco Bay Oil Spill

For Those who Haven't heard, we have had a pretty massive oil spill in the San Francisco Bay. The purpose of this post is to direct those who are interested in helping clean up the spill to the agency facilitating the clean up effort. If you would like to volunteer, go to this website first.

Below is the specific information from this website, on who to contact, how to contact them, and when to contact. All the info below comes from the Oiled Wildlife Care Network.

If you want to volunteer:
Monday, noon: We are now ready to accept offers to volunteer. Please call (800) 228-4544 to volunteer.
If you see oiled wildlife: Don't approach or pick it up, but call (415) 701-2311 to report it. Please do not call this number about volunteering.
If you are from the media: please contact Sylvia Wright at the UC Davis News Service, or call (530) 752-7704. OWCN's media page is here; latest press release is here.
If you would like to make a donation:
please email

Peace Not Prejudice Week

Peace Not Prejudice Week will take place October 22-26, 2007. The events planned are below:

*Monday, 10/22: Screening "Ghosts of Abu Ghraib", Alumni House, 7 pm
"Ghosts of Abu Ghraib," an 80-minute HBO film, features the familiar and very disturbing pictures at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison and raises questions about U.S. government policy.

*Tuesday, 10/23: Unity Through Diversity Open Mic Poetry Slam, Naia Lounge, 8:30 pm
Open mic poetry night promoting religious tolerance and unity. Enjoy gelato and performances by a diverse group of poets.

*Wednesday, 10/24: The Common Thread: Similarities in the Abrahamic Religions, 101 Morgan, 7 pm
Knowledgeable scholars discuss the similarities and differences between the three monotheistic religions during this educational event.

*Thursday, 10/25: Peace Rally, Upper Sproul, 5 pm
Come out to see a multitude of diverse guest and student speakers including Rabbi Michael Lerner (Tikkun) and Basim Elkarra (CAIR) united in their call for peace, not prejudice. Free concert by hip-hop group Himalayan Project!

Students United for Peace is now an official sponsor for the October 27 National Day of Action

11 am
San Francisco
Civic Center
March to
Dolores Park

To help organize for this event come to Wheeler Hall Room 123, Mondays at 7Pm, every Monday leading up to October 27.

If you would like more information email us at
or go to the official website at

Students United for Peace will not be meeting Monday October 8th

Students United for Peace will not be meeting Monday October 8th. Join us next monday October 15 for our regular weekly meeting in Wheeler Hall Room 123 at 7pm

We will be taking the day off so that we can all go to the Berkeley City Council Meeting on Tuesday at Berkeley City Hall. Code Pink will be proposing Making Berkeley a Military Free Zone. Come out and join us at the meeting.
For more information please send an email to

Iraq Moratorium Info

Here is Information on the Iraq Moratorium.

Laura Nader and Ugo Mattei

Plunder: When the Rule of Law Is Illegal

Here is an event that sounds pretty interesting. For those who don't know, Laura Nader is Ralph Nader's sister and one of Berkeley's most popular Professors.

While the concept of the "rule of law" has widespread support, few have considered that it is often upheld to protect the interests of the powerful. Nader and Mattei will discuss how the rule of law has been used to justify the plunder of weaker economies, indigenous technologies and natural resources.

Laura Nader is Professor of Anthropology at UC Berkeley. Ugo Mattei is Professor of International and Comparative Law at Hastings College of Law.

Date and Location:
Monday, October 8, 4:00 pm
CLAS Conference Room, 2334 Bowditch Street
Series: Bay Area Latin American Forum

Check Out S.U.P on Craigslist Progressive Directory

Students United for Peace can now be found on the Craigslist's Bay Area Progressive Directory. Link to us at

"Spotlight on Torture" October 22

We will be working with the National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT), to speak out against torture and abuse of detainees in US custody. We are working together to bring the NRCAT project, “Spotlight on Torture” to the UC community by hosting an on-campus screening and discussion of Rory Kennedy’s documentary film, Ghosts of Abu Ghraib. This event will be held on Monday, October 22nd at 7:00 p.m. in the Alumni House on campus.

Students United for Peace has made an effort to showcase films which highlight the students, faculty, and campus of the University of California at Berkeley. "Ghosts of Abu Ghraib" continues in this tradition. This film includes in-depth interviews with Mark Danner, staff writer at The New Yorker, author of The Secret Way to War, Torture and Truth, The Road to Illegitimacy, The Massacre at El Mozote, and Professor at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. The film also include interviews with John Yoo, contributor to the Patriot Act, former member of the United States Justice Departments Office of Legal Council, and Professor of Law at Boalt Hall School of Law.

We're on Indy Media

Check out the posting for our next event, this Thursday Sept 20, on SF Indymedia

This is a free film event

We will be showing "Operation Abolition" and "Committee on Un-American Activities" by Robert Carl Cohen, in Dwinelle Hall Room 156 at 7:00pm.

Make a note, the room has changed from 145 Dwinelle, to 156 Dwinelle.

Description: There is only one way to describe these films... Watch as UC Berkeley Professors and Students are dragged down the steps of the San Francisco Court House and then Hosed off by the SF Fire Department. Sound good?! Then come out!

If you got more questions, contact
This is ASUC Sponsored and Wheelchair Accessible.

Meeting Tonight

Dont forget to come to our meeting this evening, Monday Sept 17 -7pm in Wheeler Room 123, and help plan for our next film screening this Thursday Sept 20th.

It Keeps Going


Saturday October 27

National Day of Action

11 am
San Francisco
Civic Center
Dolores Park
Sponsored by
The October 27 Coalition to End the War Now"

Events Continued!

"We The People
Sept 21st

Iraq Moratorium and International Peace Day

2:30pm Gather West Oakland Bart Station
3:00pm March to Railroad Bridge

OAKLAND DOCKS 510-524-2776"

Events Galore!

There is no shortage of events planned for this fall. I want to spread the news about some of the exciting things being planned.

Lake Merritt Walk 4 Peace 6th Anniversary
"Join the Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace to celebrate over 300 weekly peace circumnavigations of Lake Merritt since Sunday, September 23, 2001.

Sunday 23 at 3:00pm

Procession begins (and concludes) at the colonnade, NE corner of the Lake, between Grand and Lakeshore Avenues. See you here!"

Saturday's Peace Festival a Success

Everyone who came out to the Peace Festival in People's Park will agree it was a great day. The Weather was perfect, there was great music, and even better speakers. Sunshine, Barbara Lee, Daniel Ellsberg, and the Funky Nixons all made Saturday a great day. I want to thank the Peoples Park Community for putting on such a well organized and positive event.

Peoples Park Peace Rally

Dear friends,                                        Please Forward Widely


needs your help and the help of all student organizations.


Berkeley students have always been in the lead in fighting unjust
wars.   At Saturday's rally you can help in two ways.

    1.     Set up a table for your organization.  
    2.     Join us within at least one of our small group
         DISCUSSION AND ACTION CIRCLES, at about 3:40 PM
         especially the Circle on:
              Campus Organizing.   UC & elsewhere.

         In these circles people will discuss how to organize and work for
         peace; and we hope that many people will decide to continue
         working together.  
         We hope that your organization will want to tell the Circle about
         your activities and that people may want to join you in your
         projects.   The Circle may also decide that it wants to meet again
         for further planning.

Here is a list of the discussions we are planning at about 3:40.

1.   Organizing for demonstrations and actions
      Iraq Moratorium (3rd Fridays, Sept 21) and others.         

2.    Research, Publicity and Media.   Get together to prepare articles,     
      letters to the editors, talk radio and TV.

3.    Outreach to Military and Veterans.   Counter-Recruiting.
      Support Returning Vets/

4.    Campus Organizing.   UC & elsewhere.

5.    Congressional and Electoral Action, and Impeachment.
      (Impeachment may want to be separate.)

6.     Religious and Spiritual Contributions to the peace movement.
       With churches and faith and spiritual groups.

7.     Mediation & Non-Violent Conflict Resolution.

8.    Neighborhood Food and Gardens.   Permaculture.   Neighborhood     

9.    Transportation & Sustainable Energy to End the War.

10.   Homelessness and Poverty. 

11.       Supporting & Organizing in Diverse Communities.
       And Peace Making Projects in our City Streets.
       Hope to discuss such projects as"Oakland Parks for Peace,"
       "Silence the Violence," and other community organizing efforts.

Other Circles may be formed from the stage if three people stand up for them.

Speakers at the rally will include:

    Daniel Ellsberg (Pentagon Papers);   David Hilliard (Black Panthers);  
    Michael Lerner (Tikkun);   Barbara Lubin (Middle East Childrens
    Alliance);   Kriss Worthington & Dona Spring (Berkeley
    City Council);   and speakers from the "Iraq Moratorium";   
    "War & Katrina";   "Veterans for Peace";  "Impeach Bush Cheney;"
    "Not in our Name;"   and  "Committee to Minimize Toxic Waste."
and music by the:

    Funky Nixons;    All My Pretty Ones;    Beatbeat Whisper;
    Steven Strauss;    Will Scarlett

If you would like to help with our DISCUSSION and ACTION CIRCLES,
(either with your knowledge or by helping to facilitate), or with any other
aspect of the rally, please contact us, by email or phone.

And please, tell your friends.  

A majority of Americans and Iraqis want a rapid timetable for withdrawal.  
It is up to us to get organizied to make it happen.

    Yours in Peace and Solidarity,
    Laurence Schechtman      510-540-1975
    for the Peoples Park Peace Rally

PS     If you want to see the poll on Iraqi opinion of the "surge,"
    take a look at:
    (One finding:   57% think it's OK to attack foreign forces.)

Students United For Peace Second Semester Event

Students United For Peace will be showing "Committee on UnAmerican
Activities" by Robert Carl Cohen alongside the 16mm film print version of
"Operation Abolition". This event will be held on Thursday Sept 20th in
Dwinelle Hall room 145 on the UC Berkeley Campus.  The event will begin at
    "Committee on UnAmerican Activities" documents the May 13th, 1960
trial held in San Francisco.  This trial was conducted by HUAC, a US
government committee set up to attack Communists, and was used as a
tool against outspoken labor leaders and professors, including many
UC Berkeley faculty.
    Students and Picketers of the Trial were forced out of the San
Francisco Court House, dragged and hosed down the stairs.  
"Operation Abolition" is the government film/ Newsreel which
attempted to cover up the May 13th disaster.
    Don't miss this opportunity to see both films played together on the
UC Berkeley campus.  This event is open to the public and is
wheelchair accessible.  If you have further questions, please email
us at 

Frank Moore Presidential Campaign

Not to be outdone, the Frank Moore Presidential Campaign will also be joining Berkeley Students for Peace at our Semester Kick Off Film Screening. I personally am honored to have Mr. Moore and his campaign join our event. This will be a memorable event, and a unique opportunity to meet Berkeley's one and only Presidential Candidate! The Frank Moore Campaign will be in attendance selling buttons, bumper stickers, mugs, and giving information on his 2008 Campaign. You can also visit The Frank Moore Campaign at their website:
And once again, if you are interested in tabling at our event, please contact

People's Park Community Will be Joining Us on September 12

The People's Park Community will be Joining Students United for Peace at our film screening on Sept 12, 2007 in Evans Hall Room 60. They will be Tabling and giving information for all those interested in being involved in the Peoples Park Community Peace Rally on September 15, 2007. This event will be held in Peoples Park on Haste ave in Berkeley California from 1pm-5pm. Headlining Speakers include:
Daniel Ellsberg
Donna Spring
Bill Simpich- "Iraq Moratorium"
Steve Morse- "Veterans for Peace"
Bud Hazelkorn- ""

Music Includes:
The Funky Nixons
All My Pretty Ones
Beatbeat Whisper
Max Ventura
Steven Strauss & Will Scarlet

Students United for Peace will also be tabling, along with other Bay Area Activists. We hope everyone can make it out. If you would like to know more about the event, would like to take part in the event, or would like to join the Peoples Park Community List Serve, click on the link below:

If you would like to table at our event (Sept 12 Film Screening), please contact
our blogmoderator and reserve a spot.

Responsibility Sign Ups

Just a quick reminder: we'll be signing up for the responsibilities (i.e. positions/committees) at tomorrow's meeting. Here's the list:

Planning Committee (creating each week’s agenda)
Flier Czar (coordinating fliering)
Meeting Note-taking
Graphic Design
Media Coordination
UC bureaucracy (file necessary paperwork, stay up on UC procedure and regulation, etc.)
Outreach (Campus and Community organizations)
Blog moderation
E-mail moderation
Financial moderation

Save The Oaks on NPR

Save the Oaks made NPR today. There was a great discussion about the proposed sports training facility which is planned to be built on the Berkeley Campus next to Memorial Stadium. This facility requires the removal of the Oak Grove just outside of the stadium and is set to be built right next to the Hayward fault, which runs directly under Memorial Stadium. If you would like to hear this episode of "Forum", I have included a link to the program

In case this doesn't work, I have also included a link to the KQED website where you can navigate to the program.

"Berkeley In the Sixties" by Mark Kitchell

Students United For Peace
"Berkeley in the Sixties"
by Mark Kitchell

Date: Wednesday September 12, 2007

Location: Evans Hall Room 60
On the Campus of the University of California Berkeley

Time: 7:00 Pm

Cost: Free. Donations are greatly appreciated.

Description: This film is a must see for all Berkeley Students and CommunityActivists.
Set on the UC Berkeley Campus, this film details the Free Speech Movement, the Civil Rights Movement, and Gender Rights Movement, and the
Anti-War Movement all taking place in Berkeley.

Rare footage includes Mario Savio's famous Sproul Plaza speech, Huey Newton and the Black Panthers, Amy Goodman, Allen Ginsburg,
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Ronald Reagan, and many others.
Music appearances include Jefferson Airplane, the Grateful Dead, and
Jimi Hendrix.

This film is a must see! For more information please contact

Summer Of Love 40th Anniversary Concert

"Summer Of Love" 40th Anniversary Concert
Sunday September 2, 2007 Speedway Meadows, Golden Gate Park in San Francisco California
Opening Ceremonies begin at 9:15 AM


For more information go to

"Battle of Algiers" changed to "Berkeley in the Sixties"

Students United For Peace will now be showing "Berkeley in the Sixties" by Mark Kitchell instead of "The Battle of Algiers" as the opening film for our semester film series. The dates, time, and location will remain the same only the film will change. September 12, 2007, 7 PM in Evans Room 60. This film is a great introduction to an important part of Berkeley's history and will be no less exciting to see.
There is a great trailer of the film available from IMDb and Screenplay Inc. You can check it out at the link below <>

First Meeting Tonight

Our first meeting of the semester is tonight at 7:00 in 123 Wheeler. There will be coffee and snacks.

The Chicago Sun Times Calls for Boycott of British Petroleum

(August 17th) The Chicago Sun Times has declared a boycott on British Petroleum, the company which runs the 4th largest refinery in the United States located in Whiting Indiana. (,CST-EDT-edits17.article) (

It is very exciting to see instances where activism actually works. From the time BP recieved the OK to increase the amount of waste,
54 percent more ammonia and 35 percent more suspended solids allowed into Lake Michigan each year, people have come together to voice their concerns. Now these efforts have paid off. By protesting on a community level and by working together with politicians, Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.) and none other than Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, activists have halted the progress of one of the largest companies in the world. "The company is... the second largest of Big Oil's super-majors in terms of production (only Exxon Mobil is bigger), with huge untapped reserves stretching from Russia to West Africa to the Gulf of Mexico" according to

Students United For Peace is delighted to hear this news as we continue to work with faculty, and students ( at UC Berkeley to keep BP off of our campus. Last spring the University announced it was working with British Petroleum to sign a 500 Million dollar deal. Rerun claimed he was waiting for his MDD (Million Dollar Deal) when he quit the TV series "Whats Happening!!". He should have got a job with UC Chancellor Birgeneau. There has been little information this summer about the deal, but you can be sure that if the contract is signed without 1) more community and faculty oversight, 2) and less money going to GMO corn research, there will definitely be more molasses appearing on the doorstep of California Hall.

You can read about the BP deal at...
Or drop
Bobby (Chancellor Robert J. Birgeneau) an email and tell him your thoughts (Pay for my textbooks, The only bio-fuel research on the Berkeley campus will be done by Willie Nelson)

Office of the Chancellor
200 California Hall # 1500
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-1500
Phone (510) 642-7464
Fax (510) 643-5499

"The Battle of Algiers" film evening

Students United For Peace will be kicking off the Fall semester with our first film screening; "The Battle of Algiers". Gillo Pontecorvo's 1965 film is as awe-inspiring and enlightening today as it was the day it was released. No film gives a better look into the struggle, motivations, and structure of terrorist organizations than does "The Battle of Algiers". That could be the reason the film is still banned in France and has been screened in, non other than, the Pentagon! To learn more about the film, read Michael T. Kaufman's New York Times article "What Does the Pentagon See in 'Battle of Algiers'?" (

This educational evening will be of interest regardless of how many times you may have seen it. The evening is free of charge and will take place September 12 at 7:00 PM in Evans Hall Room 60 on the UC Berkeley campus (for location and directions please visit The event is wheelchair accessible. If you have any further question feel free to email us.


If you're interested in posting to the blog, send an e-mail to and we will send you an invitation to the blog. Anyone can comment on posts, but you need to be invited in order to create your own post.

First meeting

Our first meeting of the semester will be on the first day of the semester, August 27th. It will probably be a busy day for everyone, but we hope to see you all there.