Students United For Peace Second Semester Event

Students United For Peace will be showing "Committee on UnAmerican
Activities" by Robert Carl Cohen alongside the 16mm film print version of
"Operation Abolition". This event will be held on Thursday Sept 20th in
Dwinelle Hall room 145 on the UC Berkeley Campus.  The event will begin at
    "Committee on UnAmerican Activities" documents the May 13th, 1960
trial held in San Francisco.  This trial was conducted by HUAC, a US
government committee set up to attack Communists, and was used as a
tool against outspoken labor leaders and professors, including many
UC Berkeley faculty.
    Students and Picketers of the Trial were forced out of the San
Francisco Court House, dragged and hosed down the stairs.  
"Operation Abolition" is the government film/ Newsreel which
attempted to cover up the May 13th disaster.
    Don't miss this opportunity to see both films played together on the
UC Berkeley campus.  This event is open to the public and is
wheelchair accessible.  If you have further questions, please email
us at 

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