Berkeley Grandmothers For The Oaks

"Berkeley Grandmothers Feed the Oak Grove Tree SittersThanksgiving Day 2007

A group of Berkeley grandmothers appeared at the UC Berkeley stadium oak grove on Thanksgiving morning to lend support and food to the tree-sitters. Last August the UC Regents constructed a chain-link barrier around the grove with the intent to starve out the tree-sit.

Just more than a week ago construction crews appeared again to add a second fence. The double barrier was crowned with barbed wire. The new fence has come with stepped-up efforts by UC Police to cut off any access to the tree sitters including all attempts to provide them with food and water. Numerous arrests have been made.

Despite the threat of arrest and a police presence, the grandmothers delivered an assortment of food and water to tree-sitters including pumpkin pie. No grandmothers were arrested.

The tree-sit is now in its 356th day. Come and help! Who will protect these trees, if not you? For more information contact Berkeley's Internet NEWS"

This text has been copied directly from You Tube and

Link the video here:

To Read More:

Link Here to the Berkeley Daily Planet Article by Matthew Taylor


Anonymous said...

It is my first post here, so I would like to say hallo to all of you! It is uncommonly amusement to be adjacent to your community!

SUP moderator said...

To David Green, we appreciate your comment here at SUP and for anyone who has not done so, take a look at his blog. There is a lot that can be learned from the Tree Sit protest and we should not be afraid to criticize fellow environmentalists.

The protests were really an important and powerful event for anyone who took part. I especially "take my hat off" to all those involved for fighting till the very last person was removed from the trees.

SUP moderator said...

To the person who posted anonymously, thanks for your comment, we would love to hear more from you.

To those who are currently in Berkeley, if anyone has any photos of what has taken place now that the protests are over, we would love to post them!