Peace Not Prejudice Week

Peace Not Prejudice Week will take place October 22-26, 2007. The events planned are below:

*Monday, 10/22: Screening "Ghosts of Abu Ghraib", Alumni House, 7 pm
"Ghosts of Abu Ghraib," an 80-minute HBO film, features the familiar and very disturbing pictures at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison and raises questions about U.S. government policy.

*Tuesday, 10/23: Unity Through Diversity Open Mic Poetry Slam, Naia Lounge, 8:30 pm
Open mic poetry night promoting religious tolerance and unity. Enjoy gelato and performances by a diverse group of poets.

*Wednesday, 10/24: The Common Thread: Similarities in the Abrahamic Religions, 101 Morgan, 7 pm
Knowledgeable scholars discuss the similarities and differences between the three monotheistic religions during this educational event.

*Thursday, 10/25: Peace Rally, Upper Sproul, 5 pm
Come out to see a multitude of diverse guest and student speakers including Rabbi Michael Lerner (Tikkun) and Basim Elkarra (CAIR) united in their call for peace, not prejudice. Free concert by hip-hop group Himalayan Project!

Students United for Peace is now an official sponsor for the October 27 National Day of Action

11 am
San Francisco
Civic Center
March to
Dolores Park

To help organize for this event come to Wheeler Hall Room 123, Mondays at 7Pm, every Monday leading up to October 27.

If you would like more information email us at
or go to the official website at

Students United for Peace will not be meeting Monday October 8th

Students United for Peace will not be meeting Monday October 8th. Join us next monday October 15 for our regular weekly meeting in Wheeler Hall Room 123 at 7pm

We will be taking the day off so that we can all go to the Berkeley City Council Meeting on Tuesday at Berkeley City Hall. Code Pink will be proposing Making Berkeley a Military Free Zone. Come out and join us at the meeting.
For more information please send an email to

Iraq Moratorium Info

Here is Information on the Iraq Moratorium.

Laura Nader and Ugo Mattei

Plunder: When the Rule of Law Is Illegal

Here is an event that sounds pretty interesting. For those who don't know, Laura Nader is Ralph Nader's sister and one of Berkeley's most popular Professors.

While the concept of the "rule of law" has widespread support, few have considered that it is often upheld to protect the interests of the powerful. Nader and Mattei will discuss how the rule of law has been used to justify the plunder of weaker economies, indigenous technologies and natural resources.

Laura Nader is Professor of Anthropology at UC Berkeley. Ugo Mattei is Professor of International and Comparative Law at Hastings College of Law.

Date and Location:
Monday, October 8, 4:00 pm
CLAS Conference Room, 2334 Bowditch Street
Series: Bay Area Latin American Forum

Check Out S.U.P on Craigslist Progressive Directory

Students United for Peace can now be found on the Craigslist's Bay Area Progressive Directory. Link to us at