Students United For Peace will now be showing "Berkeley in the Sixties" by Mark Kitchell instead of "The Battle of Algiers" as the opening film for our semester film series. The dates, time, and location will remain the same only the film will change. September 12, 2007, 7 PM in Evans Room 60. This film is a great introduction to an important part of Berkeley's history and will be no less exciting to see.
There is a great trailer of the film available from IMDb and Screenplay Inc. You can check it out at the link below <>
"Battle of Algiers" changed to "Berkeley in the Sixties"
First Meeting Tonight
Our first meeting of the semester is tonight at 7:00 in 123 Wheeler. There will be coffee and snacks.
Posted by Anonymous at 13:15 0 comments
The Chicago Sun Times Calls for Boycott of British Petroleum
(August 17th) The Chicago Sun Times has declared a boycott on British Petroleum, the company which runs the 4th largest refinery in the United States located in Whiting Indiana. (,CST-EDT-edits17.article) (
It is very exciting to see instances where activism actually works. From the time BP recieved the OK to increase the amount of waste, 54 percent more ammonia and 35 percent more suspended solids allowed into Lake Michigan each year, people have come together to voice their concerns. Now these efforts have paid off. By protesting on a community level and by working together with politicians, Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.) and none other than Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, activists have halted the progress of one of the largest companies in the world. "The company is... the second largest of Big Oil's super-majors in terms of production (only Exxon Mobil is bigger), with huge untapped reserves stretching from Russia to West Africa to the Gulf of Mexico" according to
Students United For Peace is delighted to hear this news as we continue to work with faculty, and students ( at UC Berkeley to keep BP off of our campus. Last spring the University announced it was working with British Petroleum to sign a 500 Million dollar deal. Rerun claimed he was waiting for his MDD (Million Dollar Deal) when he quit the TV series "Whats Happening!!". He should have got a job with UC Chancellor Birgeneau. There has been little information this summer about the deal, but you can be sure that if the contract is signed without 1) more community and faculty oversight, 2) and less money going to GMO corn research, there will definitely be more molasses appearing on the doorstep of California Hall.
You can read about the BP deal at...
Or drop Bobby (Chancellor Robert J. Birgeneau) an email and tell him your thoughts (Pay for my textbooks, The only bio-fuel research on the Berkeley campus will be done by Willie Nelson)
200 California Hall # 1500
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-1500
Fax (510) 643-5499
Posted by TakingTigerMountainByStrategy at 13:26 0 comments
Labels: BP, British Petroleum, Chancellor Birgeneau, Chicago Sun Times, CNN Money, Rahm Emanuel, Richard Daley, Students United for Peace
"The Battle of Algiers" film evening
Students United For Peace will be kicking off the Fall semester with our first film screening; "The Battle of Algiers". Gillo Pontecorvo's 1965 film is as awe-inspiring and enlightening today as it was the day it was released. No film gives a better look into the struggle, motivations, and structure of terrorist organizations than does "The Battle of Algiers". That could be the reason the film is still banned in France and has been screened in, non other than, the Pentagon! To learn more about the film, read Michael T. Kaufman's New York Times article "What Does the Pentagon See in 'Battle of Algiers'?" (
This educational evening will be of interest regardless of how many times you may have seen it. The evening is free of charge and will take place September 12 at 7:00 PM in Evans Hall Room 60 on the UC Berkeley campus (for location and directions please visit The event is wheelchair accessible. If you have any further question feel free to email us.
Posted by TakingTigerMountainByStrategy at 20:50 1 comments
Labels: Battle of Algiers
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Posted by SUP moderator at 21:54 3 comments
First meeting
Our first meeting of the semester will be on the first day of the semester, August 27th. It will probably be a busy day for everyone, but we hope to see you all there.
Posted by SUP moderator at 21:28 0 comments